
Terms and Conditions


The present therapeutic agreement is between you (the Client) and the Psychologist assigned to you by CF Psychology and Performance Ltd (Dr Charlotte Fox).

This therapeutic agreement abides by the GDPR legislation 2018. By commencing therapy, the Client (you) agrees to the following terms and conditions:

All new Clients must read and confirm the acceptance of the terms and conditions of this therapeutic agreement. Confirmation can be provided in writing by email. If written confirmation is not provided, then by starting session (in-person or online) the Client agrees to the terms & conditions of this agreement. The Client is required to respond in writing, if they do not agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

The Psychologist abides by the code of confidentiality of HCPC, BPS and GDPR regulations. Identifying information, such as Client’s name, address, biographical details and other description of a Client’s life and their circumstances, will be kept private and stored safely.

• The ‘Psychologist’: The clinician assigned by CF Psychology and Performance Ltd to offer psychological services.
• The ‘Client’: You
• ‘Therapy’ (in-person and/or online) is the time spent with the Psychologist who will apply their chosen method of therapy application.
• The ‘Session’ is the booked time slot (in-person and/or online) working with the ‘Psychologist’.
• The ‘Desired Outcome’ is the desired result of the work that the Psychologist and the Client work towards achieving.

1.1 After booking a session by either telephone or email, the Client, in accepting the booking, accepts the following conditions:

1.2 The Client agrees to the Psychologist contacting them via email or SMS.

1.3 Booking: Session appointments can only be made through discussion between the Psychologist and Client, via email or telephone correspondence. The Client will receive a booking confirmation via email.

1.4 Lateness: The Client is paying for the agreed time with the Psychologist and at the agreed location (physical or online). It is the Client’s responsibility to attend the session on time.

1.5 No refund will be given for any late arrival at the session.

1.6 The desired outcome as an achievement of the goal(s) cannot be guaranteed or promised to the Client by the Psychologist. It would be unethical to provide a guarantee for a Client’s treatment of therapy.

2.1 The fee for a 60-minute private session in person or online is £100, unless otherwise agreed.

2.2. Payment should be made in advance, before the start of the session. Payment should be made using the requested payment method. Details will be given at the time of booking.


3.1 Cancellations for a session made more than 48 hours (i.e. 2 working days) notice will not attract cancellation fees.

3.2 Any cancellations made with less than 48 hours (i.e. 2 working days) notice will be charged at the full session rate.

3.3 Any failure to attend without notice will be charged at the full rate.


4.1 The psychologist respects the boundaries of confidentiality and will not disclose information to a 3rd party unless legally bound to do so. For example, in the case of child protection or unlawful acts.

4.2 The psychologist will keep all personal information securely and is registered as a data controller with the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

4.3 CF Psychology and Performance is GDPR compliant.

4.4 Your clinical psychologist may pass on information to a 3rd party when requested to do so and only with your agreement.

4.5 If specific information is not to be disclosed to the 3rd party you must make this clear.

6.1 The lawful basis for the Psychologist holding and using the Client’s information is in relation to the delivery of a contract to the Client as a health care professional. As an accredited member of BPS and HCPC, the Psychologist operates under a strict code of confidentiality.

6.2 Upon starting therapy, the Client’s basic personal information will be collected for contact and identification reasons. These include the Client’s full name, date of birth, address and GP details. If any of the Client’s contact or GP information change during therapy, the Clients should inform the Psychologist in writing providing the new information.

6.3 Information is kept securely and confidentially in line with the data retention policy as stated above.

6.4 Session notes or personal details of the Client are kept in electronic form and paper form. Any paper notes are kept in a secure, robust, locked filing cabinet and stored within a secure building. All digital information is stored on a domestic computer, which is password protected and stored within a secure building.

6.5 The Client’s information is kept for a period of seven years following the end of therapy to comply with any obligations that are placed upon the Psychologist by their insurers and their accrediting bodies.


7.1 The Client has the right to access the clinical notes.

7.2 If the Psychologist considers the Client’s needs are beyond the limits of their competence, the Psychologist reserves the right to terminate the therapeutic contract. The Psychologist will discuss this with the Client in the session and further recommendations, if possible, may be provided.

These terms and conditions are governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law. This applies to in person and online sessions. In the event of any dispute arising in relation to these ‘terms and conditions’ or any dispute arising in relation to the Psychologist, whether in contract or otherwise, the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over such dispute.

By commencing therapy (in-person and/or online), I (the Client) acknowledge that I have read the information above and I agree with the terms and conditions of this agreement.


Client Name

Client Signature